Tag: rut

Little malform
Roe rut 2013 This year’s rut was very exciting. I saw many nice bucks and shot a couple. I spotted the first signs of the rut later than usually on 27th July with the first bucks called in. Then we

Roebuck calling
Buttolo roe deer call This season I bought new universal roe deer call. Previous seasons I usually used a couple of different calls. I still often take a Buttolo rubber bulb that is probably easiest call to use. Just squeeze

Murder buck in Poland
What is a murder buck? Murder buck is a buck that has antlers with no tines and it can be dangerous to other bucks especially during the rut and early Spring when bucks establish their territories. While typical mature roebuck

I love roe rut
Roe deer rut is my favorite time of a hunting year and calling in a big roebuck is a moment that any stalker will remember. It has been a while since I saw a good buck in the forest so