I have good collection of deer books from Poland, UK and other European countries as well as some from New Zealand. What I dont have is a good book about American deer hunting, so I started to look for anything

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Recommended deer stalking books.
I have good collection of deer books from Poland, UK and other European countries as well as some from New Zealand. What I dont have is a good book about American deer hunting, so I started to look for anything
It may not be anything new for you, but discovering Jim Corbett’s books was a revelation for me. 😆 I was looking for something new to read and someone mentioned “Man-eaters of Kumaon” by Jim Corbett. I was sceptical at
Just finished reading the Glorious Gentlemen: Tales from Scotland’s Stalkers, Gillies and Keepers by Bruce Sandison. This is kind on unusual book written in a form of interviews mixed with narratives and stories from the author. It shows how gillies,
Thanks to Suburban Bushwacker who recommended me the author, I found a book on Amazon with three most popular titles of Barry Crump – Classic Crump. A Good Keen Man,Hang On A Minute Mate,Crocodile Country. This is a budget paperback
Riflesmithing: A Comprehensive Guide by Lewis Potter is a book worth having if one plans to do some work with a rifle. First couple of chapters is an introduction and some basic information about barrels, bullets, cartridges and types of
This time not strictly a deer hunting book, but I think very useful one. Any deer stalker that has access to his/her own ground will at some point start thinking about improvements. What can I do to increase deer numbers,
I fished all deer hunting books I got on Christmas and birthday and as I had had a two week’s trip abroad planned (work not pleasure…) I had a quick look on Amazon if there was anything new I could
Good Santa brought me a few new books this Christmas and the first one I read was My Deer Life by Harry Bimler. The book is a story of a man born in New Zealand starting as a kid shooting
I was really looking forward getting a new book about deer stalking when I found an add included in one of the issues of the Deer magazine from the BDS. It was a new book On the Deer Path by