Tag: Strathclyde

First roebuck 2014
A friend invited me for a stalk. I was really looking forward to it as it was only 10 minutes from my house and in the area I never stalked before. We met at 5am at the known spot and

Lowland Deer Network Scotland – AGM 2014
I spent good couple of hours at the AGM of Lowland Deer Network Scotland last Sunday. Many more members turned up this year and the meeting room was nearly full. After short introduction Richard Cooke (LDNS Chairman) and Dick Playfair

Morning doe
I got an invitation from a friend (thanks mate!) to come and help him with roe deer control. He manages roe deer on several plantations not far from where I stay and I really like to go there with him.

First does of the season
I pretty much missed red deer rut and does season already started I had not been out much. I had been busy at work and more importantly at home expecting new baby’s arrival. Although when I got invitation from a

Hunting 8-point roebuck in Scotland
Stalking in May May in one of my favorite months in deer hunting season. Firstly because grass and undergrowth is not yet high enough for roe deer to hide and secondly, it is last midges free month… In the areas