Tag: tutorial

Krico rifle and Lisenfeld scope. Review.
I always fancied a full-stock rifle and having a free .243 slot on my certificate I started looking around for one. I had a few makes in mind. I wanted a classic European rifle. I looked on a few CZs,

Fair combi and Schmidt Bender Klassik riflescope – review
After uploading last couple of videos on YouTube I got a few enquiries about the gun I used shooting three wild boar in September. I realised combination guns are not really popular outside continental Europe. Quick look on Guntrader and

Calling roebucks in rut with Hubertus Cherrywood call
I love calling roebucks and the rut is my favorite time of year. Unfortunately, this season I have had not been out many times during the rut… 😥 Work and other commitments prevented my from going out and also problems

How to attach press to reloading bench with G-clamps. Portable solution.
I started reloading with Lee classic loader and got pretty good results with it, but when number of cartridges I reload for increased I progressed to Lee hand press, mainly because it is a press in miniature. It does almost