Tag: roe

Doe and kid
When roe does and red hinds season started in Scotland I concentrated mainly on red deer. I wanted to get a hind before the snow as without 4×4 it is nearly impossible for me to get close to the forestry

Roebuck with canine tooth
My last outing was very interesting (thanks again for inviting me)… I not only saw a false rut, but I also got quite unusual trophy. On the first look the buck seems like a typical yearling, nothing to be excited

False rut roebuck
After quite a long break from stalking I finally got out again. A friend kindly invited me (thanks mate) to join him hunting one September morning. We met just before 6am and after a quick drive to his ground I

Calling roebucks in rut with Hubertus Cherrywood call
I love calling roebucks and the rut is my favorite time of year. Unfortunately, this season I have had not been out many times during the rut… 😥 Work and other commitments prevented my from going out and also problems