I got “A passion for deer stalking” by Darcy Books for Christmas, with a few other books I still have to read. This is definitely something different from the usual educational and “how to” books. This is a compilation of

Deer Stalking Videos & Blog
I got “A passion for deer stalking” by Darcy Books for Christmas, with a few other books I still have to read. This is definitely something different from the usual educational and “how to” books. This is a compilation of
Early start I woke up at 5:30 and after a quick coffee was in the car and on my way to the forestry. The snow all melted and the track was really wet so I left my car quite a
I miss driven hunt we used to have each Christmas Eve. Usually no more than 6-8 hunters we would drive small woods after fox or hare, occasional roe and wild boar. It was never about big bags, more like a
Winter deer stalking I had been out a couple of times recently with not much luck. In late November and early December we had really bad weather with lots of rain and strong wind. Then we had a few days
Scotland is a prime destinations for deer stalkers from around the world. From trophy hunters shooting gold medal roebucks on East Coast, to stalkers looking for traditional hill deer stalking experience in Scottish Highlands, sika deer hunting on West Coast
After shooting a roe I concentrated on finding some wild boar. I went out one night with my dad. We parked the car and I went one way to check the nearest field, he went in opposite directions to check