Tag: .223 Rem

First roebuck 2014
A friend invited me for a stalk. I was really looking forward to it as it was only 10 minutes from my house and in the area I never stalked before. We met at 5am at the known spot and

First does of the season
I pretty much missed red deer rut and does season already started I had not been out much. I had been busy at work and more importantly at home expecting new baby’s arrival. Although when I got invitation from a

Shooting using sticks
One of the benefits of having over 2,000 YouTube subscribers is that from time to time someone asks a valid question or seeks my advice. I do not consider myself an expert in hunting, but I have been doing this

.223Rem Sierra GameKing 55gr load devalopment
Reloading for my .223Rem was something I wanted to do long, long time ago, but never found enough spare time to do it. Every time I was running out of factory ammunition I just went to the shop and bought