This is definitely the worst winter I have experience since we came to Scotland 7 years ago… It has been wet and windy almost every day, certainly most of the weekends were wet. When a forecast for the Saturday improved

Deer Stalking Videos & Blog
This is definitely the worst winter I have experience since we came to Scotland 7 years ago… It has been wet and windy almost every day, certainly most of the weekends were wet. When a forecast for the Saturday improved
I spent good couple of hours at the AGM of Lowland Deer Network Scotland last Sunday. Many more members turned up this year and the meeting room was nearly full. After short introduction Richard Cooke (LDNS Chairman) and Dick Playfair
The Annual General Meeting of the Lowland Deer Network Scotland will take place at The Westerwood Hotel, 1 St Andrews Drive, Cumbernauld G68 0EW from 1.00pm on Sunday 26 January 2014. There will be couple of guest giving presentations including
Bad weather Weather has been really bad recently. Gale force winds and rain for the last couple of weeks. I had booked in to visit our syndicate ground and had to give up it was so bad. The forecast was
I wounded a roe deer couple of weeks ago. If you did not see the video and write up I will quickly remind you what happened. 🙄 I went to the plantation our deer group looks after. At very last
I got an invitation from a friend (thanks mate!) to come and help him with roe deer control. He manages roe deer on several plantations not far from where I stay and I really like to go there with him.