Tag: roe

Neck shot doe
This is definitely the worst winter I have experience since we came to Scotland 7 years ago… It has been wet and windy almost every day, certainly most of the weekends were wet. When a forecast for the Saturday improved

Another victim of fencing…
I come across one of these at least once each year. They all pretty much similar cases – a young deer trying to jump a fence but gets caught be a hind leg. A sorry sight… 🙁

First deer hunt in 2014
A friend invited me to join him stalking Saturday morning. We planned to go on a New Year’s Day, but weather was not great and we postponed till Saturday. It was a nice dry morning (finally 🙄 ) and after

Catching up with a wounded roe
I wounded a roe deer couple of weeks ago. If you did not see the video and write up I will quickly remind you what happened. 🙄 I went to the plantation our deer group looks after. At very last