Just when I was making my mind up about buying or not a Blaser, I found out about FL sizing brass requirement for these rifles. It sounded weird you have to full length size brass each time or at least
Tag: reloading
How to disassemble live ammunition
Everyone who reloads will have to disassemble loaded round for one reason or another. If during load development you find out the load is too hot for the rifle and you see pressure signs, or you made a mistake (or
Reloading for .243 Blaser
I started runing out of factory .243 ammunition and it was finally time to get into reloading for this caliber as well. I already reload for my .223 and developed two decent loads for a .308, but the .243 was
Lee Precision Ergo Prime – priming tool review
I recently got a batch of once fired Winchester brass in .243 and wanted to use in my Blaser. I prepared the brass as I usually do, full re-sized it and started loading process. First thing to do was to