Tag: hind

Calf in bad weather
Bad weather Weather has been really bad recently. Gale force winds and rain for the last couple of weeks. I had booked in to visit our syndicate ground and had to give up it was so bad. The forecast was

Culling red hinds
Culling red deer Due to new arrival I had not been out much recently and when I was I did not have much luck. So when we finally got to the weekend after a busy week, the forecast from Saturday

Second Scottish stag 2012
After taking big stag from the forestry a week earlier I was not too keen repeating this experience… 🙄 It was really hard work and without a friend’s help I would have never taken it out the forestry in one

Red deer rut. September 2012.
I was not planning a hunting trip to Poland this September, but due to family commitments we had to go and made it a week’s holiday. I went out with my father-in-low a few times. There were a few red

Deer stalking in Scotland
Scotland is a prime destinations for deer stalkers from around the world. From trophy hunters shooting gold medal roebucks on East Coast, to stalkers looking for traditional hill deer stalking experience in Scottish Highlands, sika deer hunting on West Coast