Tag: deer

Deerstalking Fair Kelso 2014 pictures
It was a good day out. Not as busy as last year, but this time I went on Sunday and it was Mother’s day as well. Apparently Saturday was much busier, but it was better for me and easier to

Neck shot doe
This is definitely the worst winter I have experience since we came to Scotland 7 years ago… It has been wet and windy almost every day, certainly most of the weekends were wet. When a forecast for the Saturday improved

A look at life from a deer stand by Steve Chapman – book review
I have good collection of deer books from Poland, UK and other European countries as well as some from New Zealand. What I dont have is a good book about American deer hunting, so I started to look for anything

Lowland Deer Network Scotland – AGM 2014
I spent good couple of hours at the AGM of Lowland Deer Network Scotland last Sunday. Many more members turned up this year and the meeting room was nearly full. After short introduction Richard Cooke (LDNS Chairman) and Dick Playfair