I spent good couple of hours at the AGM of Lowland Deer Network Scotland last Sunday. Many more members turned up this year and the meeting room was nearly full. After short introduction Richard Cooke (LDNS Chairman) and Dick Playfair

Deer Stalking Videos & Blog
I spent good couple of hours at the AGM of Lowland Deer Network Scotland last Sunday. Many more members turned up this year and the meeting room was nearly full. After short introduction Richard Cooke (LDNS Chairman) and Dick Playfair
I come across one of these at least once each year. They all pretty much similar cases – a young deer trying to jump a fence but gets caught be a hind leg. A sorry sight… 🙁
This time not strictly a deer hunting book, but I think very useful one. Any deer stalker that has access to his/her own ground will at some point start thinking about improvements. What can I do to increase deer numbers,
I often get many questions on YouTube why I do not shoot foxes when out stalking. I often do, but as principle I do not shoot mature foxes when cubs still depend on their parents. I know many treat a