Tag: tutorial

Thermacell midge repellent review
[amazon_image id=”B0031ESIVK” link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”large” container=”div” container_class=”floatleft”]Thermacell Appliance flying insect repeller – Olive[/amazon_image]I hate midges. I really do. Just after we moved to Scotland I went out on a paid stalk in South-West of the country. It was late July

Shooting using sticks
One of the benefits of having over 2,000 YouTube subscribers is that from time to time someone asks a valid question or seeks my advice. I do not consider myself an expert in hunting, but I have been doing this

Reloading for .243 Blaser
I started runing out of factory .243 ammunition and it was finally time to get into reloading for this caliber as well. I already reload for my .223 and developed two decent loads for a .308, but the .243 was