Tag: roe

Deer Management in the UK by Dominic Griffith. Book review.
This was again Christmas present I got together with a couple of other books. I read this one last as expected the most of it and I was not disappointed. “Deer management in the UK” by Dominic Griffith is a

Roebuck stalking in bad weather… Hunting in Scotland
Deer stalking in bad weather Weather has not been great this May so far. It has been really cold with frosty mornings and temperatures at 8-12C during the day. It has been blowing gale force winds from the East and
BDS auction 2012
British Deer Society have their annual auction with many interesting lots. There are plenty of deer stalking opportunities, fishing, range shooting, books, art, etc. I would like you to have a look and maybe bid on some items and support

My roe deer hunting setup. Tikka .223 Rem rifle and Zeiss Conquest scope
I was asked about my setup, so I made this short video and write up. At the moment this is my favorite setup that consists of Tikka M595 rifle in .223 Remington caliber with Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14×50 riflescope and A-Tec

Good morning
I went out after roebucks again with a friend. Weather has been not great recently and we postponed it, but agreed to go out that Saturday morning. We met at 4:30 and it was quite light already as full moon