Stalking in May May in one of my favorite months in deer hunting season. Firstly because grass and undergrowth is not yet high enough for roe deer to hide and secondly, it is last midges free month… In the areas

Deer Stalking Videos & Blog
Stalking in May May in one of my favorite months in deer hunting season. Firstly because grass and undergrowth is not yet high enough for roe deer to hide and secondly, it is last midges free month… In the areas
A friend kindly invited me for a morning stalk. Weather was nice, at least it was dry this time and not too windy. We drove to the edge of a young plantation he manages deer on. I got instructions how
As mentioned in my previous post, after shooting twice in the evening I wanted to come back following morning just to check the area and make sure I did not do anything silly such as shooting two different deer. Unfortunately