“The Roe Deer: Conservation of a Native Species” by Richard Prior. Review.

Richard Prior is a known expert on roe deer and his “The Roe Deer: Conservation of a Native Species” is a must for any roe stalker. This is a proper deer monography, but is well written and easy to read. The book is divided in three parts. The first part deals with usual topics such as biology, appearance, social relations, feeding, habitat and density, breeding and antlers. The second parts is about author’s trip to Russia and his study on Siberian roe. Last part of the book deals with roe in modern Britain and management strategies.

“The Roe Deer: Conservation of a Native Species” is full of  good pictures and illustrations including interesting photos of malformed antlers. Richard Prior also mentions “Baillieism”. I found that part really interesting as I have never heard about it before and I guess it is South England phenomenon, never seen it mentioned in Polish roe literature.

To sum up, “The Roe Deer: Conservation of a Native Species” by Richard Prior is a must have book for any roe deer stalker. I do go back and read some chapters again form time to time, highly recommended.

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